Dreams can come true

True love waits - sometimes too long

OLD ARTICLES. "Christians wait longer - at least those that I know", said Linus about a new study. Linus has asked how others do the dating business and figured out that the swedish speaking Finns that he knows are too slow of getting into relations.

"Why are you thinking so long? Does anyone who is always insecure find the right one?", Linus asks provocative questions. But maybe he has to.

The high divorce rate probably maybe correlates with the long single and experimental time. It's in to be single and free. But man isn't made to be that free.

"It's easier to fulfill our purpose on earth when we can share it someone. We aren't meant to manage alone", Linus concluded.

"You would just could decide and live with it, if you knew what love is about", Linus explained.

But there are some criterias that shouldn't be neglected, however.

Does your potential/- relationship match these criterias? Do you match them?

- Does he or she love with the unconditional love, or is he or she selfish? Does he or she love everyone? If not, the love for you could end as well.

- Does he or she share your christian belief? (It's more likely that a christian has the unconditional love)

- Do you support each other, do you feel loved? (This is actually included in the first point)

If you do, choose one, the one you love, and don't wait too long for the marriage!