Nina Bagge replaced Toby Mac successfully

OLD ARTICLES. On Bogy Show Nina Bagge nearly reached the level of DcTalk's rapper, Toby Mac, one of the most famous christian artists today.

Nina Bagge showed her talents by smoothly rapping the verses in the song Jesus Freak. The verse begins with "There was a man with a tatt on his big ...".

Oskar, famous for chilling out with, or at least trying to find, hip-hip homies, commented the performance with enthusiasm: "I see I can't find any real ghetto-rappers around here, the conditions in Borgå are better than back home, but Nina for sure is a good rapper too".

Toby Mac now finds himself in a interesting position, not being irreplaceable anymore.

Nina Bagge also performed with Charlie Peacock's "In the light" showing great singing capabilities as well.