Oskar and a Linux work station

Oskar has got a new home

OLD ARTICLES. Oskar Kohonen is changing hood. "I wanna live on the east side", he shouted. He moved to an area called Lintuvaara.

Fredi and Linus visited Oskar's new residence yesterday for a routine check that everything was in order and that he could safely live in the area.

There where no gangs in the hood during the time of the visit. "I fear some might not apprechiate Oskar coming from the west side", Linus explained. When Oskar came to open the door he was in a good condition. Oskar explained that his mother had scared the gangs away.

[Lintukorventie 2 J is the new address:kartta.hel.fi/kktesti/osoitehaku/bigmap.asp?SearchOp=katunumero_pks&Desc=LINTUKORVENTIE%202%20ESPOO%20&XValue=45655&YValue=80928]